Looking forward to a career in publishing

Rughsaar Bibi Ismail is currently job shadowing at the Comaro CHRONICLE and she says she is thoroughly enjoying her three weeks with Caxton South.

ALBERTON – Rughsaar, who is studying journalism at Rhodes University, has a passion for writing and grew up in a home where good English was promoted and encouraged.

She lives in Southdale and attended Robertsham Primary School before matriculating from Mondeor High.

Chatting to Rughsaar, a bright individual who is fasting for Ramadan, she tells how her days are structured during this holy month.

“It’s more or less a normal day for me, although during the month of Ramadan I eat before sunrise and again only after sunset. The women folk put in extra effort during this special month and bake delicious delicacies for the family to enjoy. During the day, prayers are offered and we look forward to celebrating

Eid at the end of the month. Though we are well into the month of Ramadan I would like to wish Ramadan Mubarak to the community.”

“It’s a humbling experience and we are encouraged to be charitable towards the needy and the poor. Ramadan is a time when we also feel as hungry as the poor do. It makes me very grateful for what I have,” she said.

Rughsaar has been brought up to wear her abaya and makes a special effort of dressing up on a Friday.

She will be studying for four years to gain her journalism degree, where her second major is English. After completing her studies she’s very keen to go into a publishing career. “It’s where my heart is and I am really looking forward to this time of my life.”

When not studying and working hard at university, she enjoys cooking, baking, reading and scrap booking.

Caxton South wishes her well with her future studies.

Read more:

DA councillors wish all Muslims a happy Ramadan

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