Businesses in Alrode plagued by power outages

Business people in Alrode were subject to unscheduled power outages from Tuesday, June 30 until Friday, July 3.

ALBERTON – Business persons in Alrode were frustrated by the daily power outages experienced from Tuesday, June 30 to Friday, July 3. The power reportedly went off every morning for approximately two hours. The business community was uncertain whether the outages were due to load shedding.

According to a statement from Ekurhuleni spokesperson Themba Gadebe, “there was a technical fault at the Alrode Main Substation and customers were affected while repair work was carried out. The supply has been fully restored and we do not foresee any more outages. We apologise for the inconvenience caused to customers and thank them for the patience during the repairs”.

The week of power outages is one of the many electricity struggles experienced by the business community in Alrode. Alrode experienced an energy crisis earlier this year with intermittent power being provided to the industrial hub during the months of April and May.

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