Manufacturing Indaba opens

Ekurhuleni mayor Mondli Gungubele opened the first day of the Ekurhuleni Manufacturing Indaba

ALBERTON – The Manufacturing Indaba, hosted by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, was officially opened on Monday, June 29, at Emperor’s Palace in Kempton Park.

Mayor Mondli Gungubele gave the keynote address at the conference saying, “As the City of Ekurhuleni, we have resolved to adopt revitalisation of the manufacturing sector as a flagship project because we firmly believe that with a little injection, the sector can reclaim its position as a key player in our economy”.

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He further stated that the metro is currently in the process of finalising the 25-year Aerotropolis Masterplan which the city hopes will bring investors to Ekurhuleni.

Bruce Strong, chairperson of the Manufacturing Circle, highlighted the importance of the manufacturing sector as one that offers the greatest potential to create jobs at respectable pay levels in the country and is “South Africa’s greatest opportunity for job-rich growth”.

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He emphasised three goals that need to be reached to achieve growth in Ekurhuleni’s manufacturing sector.

The first goal is to achieve a competitive manufacturing environment, and secondly to attain a supportive international trade position through developing trade and transport linkages within the African region and other export markets.

The third goal to achieve is the advancement of the reputation of competitively priced South African manufactured products by promoting preferential procurement for locally manufactured products.

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, shared key points of the Industrial Policy Action Plan 2015, which aims to forge a sustainable growth path for South Africa.

The Manufacturing Indaba Conference and Exhibition is presented by the metro in partnership with Manufacturing Circle, Deloitte, National Cleaner Production Centre, the Department of Public Enterprises and the Department of Trade and Industry.

Read: Manufacturing a solution – public and private sector team up

For more information on the Manufacturing Indaba, visit

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