WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT: A heap of bones and a dead dog

CPF patrollers made a shocking discovery when they came across a site where animal bones and a burnt dog were dumped.

ALBERTON – Recently, the gate at the Alberton Soccer Club went missing. Since the gate was gone, the CPF patrollers decided to go inside to make sure that everything was fine on the property.

Upon entering, they found a heap of animal bones. One of the CPF members said that it looked like a butchery had dumped the bones.

As if this sight was not disturbing enough, next to the bones was a dead dog.

The dog was half burnt and stiff. It is not known if the dog burned to death or if it was burnt after it died.

A resident, who came across the scene, phoned the SPCA to come and inspect, but she was told that they unfortunately did not have an inspector available at the moment.

The same resident also confirmed that Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality’s Emergency Services were contacted to remove both the bones and the dog. CPF also reported the incident to EMM.

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