Pistol found after Crestview Spar robbery

The gang that has been robbing the Spar stores the past few months have met their match.

ALBERTON-After the Crestview Spar was robbed yesterday morning by 10 men, two of the suspects escaped on foot and were seen fleeing towards City Deep in the nearby bushes.

Through the combined efforts of the EMPD, SAPS and Gauteng Traffic officers, the men were arrested. A search yielded a loaded 9mm Star pistol

Two of the arrested suspects apparently opted to escape on foot and were seen fleeing towards City Deep in the nearby bushes – that proved their undoing. Although the combined efforts of the EMPD, SAPS and Gauteng Traffic officers resulted in the two being arrested, nothing incriminating was found on their persons. However, a thorough search of the bushy area yielded the loaded 9mm Star pistol.

Allegedly, R20 000 was taken from the Spar cash registers as well as from the cash safe.

The arrested suspects were charged with armed robbery and possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition at Alberton police station. They are expected to appear in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court soon, according to a statement by Chief Supt Wilfred Kgasago, EMPD Spokesperson.

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