Resident tired of potholes

Bruce Fortuin is one of many frustrated Eden Park residents who has had enough of potholes and the metro's empty promises to repair these holes.

EDEN PARK – “Enough is enough! I am tired of these potholes in my street, which are causing a lot of damage to my car. These potholes have been there since 2014, and the metro is doing nothing about them,” said Bruce.

On Monday, March 30 Bruce got up early and summoned his sons to help him repair the big and deep potholes in Hudson Street. He brought his own cement, bricks and sand for the job.

According to Bruce, halfway through the repair work, an employee of the metro passed by and remarked that he would call the repair team. Within half an hour the truck arrived and the workers continued with the repair work.

“One question remains,” said Fortuin. “Why now?”

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