
Lost property

Crystal Boonzaier and her family were robbed in their home.

A burglar stole their keys, Crystal’s company car and various other personal items including a jewellery box she received for Christmas. The suspect was found with Crystal’s property and arrested.

When the police recover stolen property; there are two forms of acceptable practice to follow according to Communications Officer for the Alberton SAPS, Sgt Nkuna. One is that if the police officer attending the crime scene is sure that the property belongs to the complainant; the officer may record the goods on an official form and give them the property back on the scene. It is the complainant’s responsibility to preserve the property as evidence and produce it if needed. The second form is that the goods are booked into evidence at the police station and produced at court when needed. The property should be returned to the owner once the case has been finalised.

In Crystal’s case, the second form of procedure was followed. Her belongings were taken to Alberton Police Station and stored, along with other evidence in the SAPS 13 store room. When she went to get her belongings she found that items she had seen recovered during the arrest were missing, including her jewellery box. Crystal was told that her belongings were lost.

Sgt Nkuna stated that there is no way for recovered items to be lost as they are tagged with reference numbers and there is a register that is inspected by officers in charge. Sgt Nkuna recommends that people whose property has been lost should speak with Sgt Mashamaite at Alberton SAPS. He stated that members of the public are welcome to check for their items in the store room, but they must have proof of ownership and valid identification. Unclaimed goods are sold at auction or forfeited to the state.

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