Female real estate agents targeted by criminals

Female real estate agents from Johannesburg South and Alberton are being targeted by criminals at show houses

ALBERTON – Never has showing a property for sale for the first time to a potential client been so dangerous for real estate agents.

An incident that took place in the South has resulted in an urgent alert by Mondeor SAPS Sector Two CPF for all real estate agents to be extra careful when at work.

Mondeor SAPS Sector 2 CPF’s Michelle Pelser on February 23 reported that property agents from Johannesburg South and Alberton were being targeted by well-dressed criminals pretending to be potential clients.

“Urgent alert: property agents are being targeted by criminals, please be careful ladies,” urged a concerned Pelser.

She explained how the criminals managed to get close to the agents, saying: “They call you for an appointment to view a property for sale or rental. Two males will meet you at the premises. They are very friendly, well-dressed. They drive a white polo sedan, they target women agents and they are armed.”

The suspects waited for the female agent to go into the house with them and once inside, the men attacked and hit their victim before gagging her, tying her hands and feet up and then allegedly sprayed something that made her lethargic.

After the attack the suspects robbed the female agent of her vehicle, cellphone and handbag.

Mondeor SAPS Communications Officer Constable Mnguni said that there have been previous cases reported where criminals had pretended to be potential clients interested in properties for sale, but confirmed that this was the first time according to their database that an estate agent was physically assaulted.

“We have cases which were reported last year in September and December where criminals posed as residents looking to view a property on the market. After they saw all the valuables in the home, they came back to rob the house. This was the first incident we know of where an agent was the target of the robbery.”

Safety tips from The National Association of Realtors online magazine advise that real estate agents should meet with the interested parties at the office first and get them on your territory, before visiting any property with them so the agent can learn more about them and collect personal information about them for your files. When asking for identification of the clients they can tell them that it’s company policy that all clients’ driver’s licenses and ID are photocopied. This, according to the safety tips, should significantly reduce the agents’ risk.

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