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Retired teacher still has passion

Wilma has been teaching for 36 years and she had a passion for her work. She retired from teaching in December 2014 while teaching at Stoneridge Primary, where she started in 1987.

EDEN PARK – Although her retirement started in January, she has been at the school every day just “to help out” as she mildly puts it.

This dedicated mother of five started her teaching career in Upington in 1978. In 1980 she moved to Johannesburg and worked in a bank until 1986, when her teaching passing came up like a rising sun.

“I like teaching and being with the little children. I sit at home not knowing what to do, so I come to school and help out where I can and enjoy the company of my colleagues. I volunteer to help my school. In my years as teacher I have worked for five different headmasters and my passion will never die.

“To my colleagues I say: hold on to your dreams and the passion you have for teaching, assist each other always. I will miss you and the headmaster Mr Carelse. May God bless you all.”

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