Load shedding stages explained

Themba Gadebe, Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality spokesperson explains how the load shedding schedules are implemented in relation to the three different load shedding stages.


Stage 1:

This stage is implemented when Eskom requests load shedding ranging from 10MW to 300MW.

“In this stage areas to be affected are divided into two equal load sizes to accommodate Eskom load reduction needs. If the EMM schedule has eight areas in a block to be affected, only four of the eight areas may be affected on day 1 and the other remaining four areas will be affected on day 2,” Themba Gadebe explains.

Stage 2:

When Stage 2 load shedding is implemented, the load shedding schedules will be implemented in full.

“If there are eight areas in a block to be affected areas, all eight areas will be affected,” Themba added.

Stage 3:

Stage 3 is implemented when Eskom’s grid is under severe pressure.

“Stage 3 is completely out of EMM control and is implemented by Eskom to protect the National Grid from collapsing and avoid a blackout. Due to the sudden and unplanned loss of generation capacity from Eskom, the municipality seldom receives an early notification that Stage 3 will be implemented. On average, EMM receives 10 minutes notification that Stage 3 will be implemented and at times no notification is received, depending on the emergency of the situation,” Themba explained.

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