5 Fun things to do while travelling

Long travel journeys can be tough especially when you have to keep the kids entertained. Here are some games that you can play together when the iPad battery is flat.

1. Fortunately/Unfortunately – one person makes a statement starting with “fortunately” for example “Fortunately we have a full petrol tank.” The next person makes a negative statement starting with “unfortunately” like, “unfortunately the tank is full of water.” Everyone takes turns until they can’t think of any more. The last person to think of a statement that makes sense is the winner.

2. Audiobooks/Podcasts – a good way to keep busy is to download a few age appropriate audiobooks or podcasts to listen to on the


3. Two truths and one lie – a player makes three statements; two of them are true and one is not. The rest of the players must try and find out which statement is false.

4. Build a story – Each person contributes one sentence at a time to create a story that should make sense. A more difficult variation is everyone contributes one word at a time to create a story.

5. Movie Crocodile – Start with a movie title e.g. Stand By Me then make the title longer by adding the name of another movie to the beginning or end of that title. For example The Last Stand By Me until you cannot think of anymore. The last person to think of one is the winner.

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