Thieves break into school

When surprised by security, the thieves fled, leaving behind some of the uniforms they were wearing.

EDEN PARK – It has been months now since burglars targeted schools and churches. Maybe it was the calm before the storm as the senseless thieves are out of their hiding places and making their move.

On Sunday night, August 17 thieves broke into Eden Park Secondary School causing a lot of damage to the laboratory and two mobile classrooms.

The principal, B Louw said: “Three thieves dressed in Ekurhuleni Metro (EMM) and Afrox overalls were surprised by the school’s security while stealing different chemicals from our laboratory and tea and sugar from the mobile classroom and scattering the rest on the floor.”

It is further alleged by the principal that when surprised by security, the thieves fled, leaving behind some of the uniforms they were wearing. The Afrox top had initials “MJN” and for the EMM it had “MNE” handwritten on them.

“One of the thieves injured his leg when jumping from the top floor and was seen running with a limp. The worst is that they even relieved themselves on the stars, leaving three big heaps,” said Louw.

The case is being investigated by Eden Park SAPS.

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