NUMSA Strike: Workers attacked in Alrode

Chané and Chris Potgieter were recently attacked during the steel workers strike during the NUMSA strike.

ALBERTON – “Our workshop does not have anything to do with steel or the steel workers. They are just being violent for the sake of being violent,” Chané Potgieter said.

They recently wanted to leave their workplace, but decided to wait in the car until the crowd of strikers passed. They walked to their car parked in the parking lot, and when they reached the car a rock was thrown in their direction.

Her husband looked at the crowd, they were now starting to throw more rocks, and he decided to get into the car. Chané followed and also got into the car. The group of strikers then attacked the car, hitting the car with sticks and throwing rocks.

They broke the window of the car and the stick just missed Corius’s face. “We were scared, and all I kept thinking was: I just want to get out of here safely,” she explains.

Neither Chané nor Corius were injured, but their car was severely damaged.

“We have resorted to parking in the workshop, closing all the curtains so that it looks like there is no one at the workshop. The surrounding workshops and places of work are either doing the same or they just have not come to work. We are fearful of what they will do next,” she added.

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