Girl molested at Palm Ridge combined school

Cleaner pays minor R50 for sex.

PROTESTORS gathered outside the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s court on June 24, protesting against an alleged rapist and employee of Palm Ridge combined school.

According to chairperson of the school, Chris Malematja, the 48-year-old man is employed by the government and posed as a cleaner for the school.

Chris Malematja explained that on June 12 teachers caught the suspect with one of the school’s pupils in the school toilets.

The 12-year-old girl, a grade 5 learner, was taken to a special facility, where it was found that she was penetrated. According to Chris Malematja, the man gave the girl R50.

The case was postponed and the suspect will appear in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s court on June 29.


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