
Illegal immigrants arrested at N3 roadblock

SAPS would like to thank the public for their patience during road blocks. The recent road block resulted in arrests of illegal immigrants.

ALBERTON – A cluster road block recently took place on the N3 heading north towards Johannesburg.

The road block was positioned just before the Heidelberg off-ramp. Multiple SAPS stations were involved as well as Metro police.

The purpose of the road block was to check for hijacked trucks, warning drivers about the dangers of giving lifts to pedestrians and information on what to do to avoid hijackings.

The roadblock was successful. Traffic fines were issued to drivers who committed traffic offences.

Illegal immigrants were found as passengers in trucks and arrested.

Acting Station Commander Lt Colonel Maswanganyi and Captain Matlou would like to thank everyone who participated. They would also like to thank the road users for their patience.

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