‘Damning evidence’ sends six officials on suspension

Cadre deployment or employment comes at a cost to the ratepayers of Ekurhuleni as six officials are on suspension.

EKURHULENI – It has become more difficult for the ANC to take action against members of their party who are deployed and employed in Ekurhuleni.

These employments and deployments are usually motivated and approved by high ranking members of the ANC and local government and other government institutions have no choice but to implement it.

This has again been highlighted in the fraud and corruption investigation currently done in the Ekurhuleni Metro roads department. After a community member in the EMM, handed a petition to the Metro related to the standard of road works in their suburb, the Metro decided to start an investigation into the claims.

Another two officials were handed their letters afterwards bringing the total of officials implicated to eight.

Clr Izak Berg (IRASA) then handed documentation, with proof given to him by a whistle blower, to the Mayor, Speaker and Chairpersons of MPAC and Roads for further investigation also related to the roads department.

Berg’s documents with its damning evidence resulted in six officials of the roads department being given letters of suspension. Another two officials were handed their letters afterwards bringing the total of officials implicated to eight.

Infighting and finger pointing within departments and politicians (ANC) of the Ekurhuleni Metro, might derail action against these officials, although the Metro has damning evidence in proceeding with dismissals and criminal charges against them.

It has come to the Alberton RECORD‘s attention that the Human Resources Department seems to be the department questioning the actions taken against the officials, and it is alleged that the Human Resources Department is collaborating with the officials implicated.

Some of these officials have close links with senior ANC members and politicians, which make actions against them difficult.

When Clr Berg was asked about these allegations, he replied that it was to be expected; that was why he handed the same documentation to the Public Protector’s office and the Auditor General’s office.

This has again been highlighted in the fraud and corruption investigation currently done in the Ekurhuleni Metro roads department.

He further stated that these documents will also be handed over to the Hawks to ensure that the culprits are brought to book, and that ratepayer’s monies are protected. Berg further raised his concerns about the oversight committee’s ability in doing oversight against their department.

He went on to say that political parties are very quickly to raise their voices against fraud and corruption during election times, but when it comes to the crunch they run away from their responsibilities.

Berg concluded in saying that the Mayor’s and City Manager’s handling of this fraud and corruption case will be monitored closely, in detecting whether they are serious in fighting fraud and corruption in the EMM, as the mayor have stated in previous state of the nation addresses.

The RECORD will keep the readers updated as this case unfolds.

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