
Lombard case set for trial

Postponed from November 11 2013, case of Owein Lombard vs Michael Julian Sinequan continued today, January 17, with Sinequan revealing his side of the story.

PALM RIDGE – Owein Lombard was fatally shot on June 9, 2012 in Michelle Avenue and the Lombard family still hold strongly that justice will be served.

According to Michael Julian Sinequan’s attorney, Shafique Sarlie, the docket reveals the following, which has never been reported before: “Accused Michael Julian Sinequan approached his attorney when he realised, from local and national media sources, that he was responsible for a man’s death.

Michael Julian Sinequan’s attorney told him that the police would not confront him as the police did not have the details or description of the vehicle and person involved in the crime.”

Sinequan responded by saying that he would not be able to live with his conscience. “Yes, I killed a man but I am innocent,” said Sinequan.

According to Sarlie, the docket revealed that “there was some silly driving going on between the accused Sinequan and the deceased Lombard before both motorists came to a halt”.

He also said that before Sinequan could register what was going on, he felt blows or punches coming from Lombard into the car. “He was basically on top of his wife (in the passenger seat) to try and avoid the punches from outside the car,” said Sarlie.

Sinequan remembered his firearm in the holster at his side and fired one shot before driving away. “He basically shot blindly because the area where it happened is a high crime zone,” continued Sarlie.

Although the defence and representatives of the deceased were adamant to continue with the trial, Magistrate Mrs Singh said that it would take too long to fill out the trial forms and would have to set a date for the trial.

The trial is set for April 15 and 16 at the Palm Ridge Magistrates Court, where a different state prosecutor will pursue the matter as the previous state prosecutor, Johan Olivier, was not available for the allocated court days.

The defence also mentioned that no more than four witnesses would be presented, two of whom do not reside in the area and would have to plead via video link.

Magistrate Mrs Singh concluded by extending Sinequan’s bail application.

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  1. Let’s leave the docket and statements for the trial!15 and 16 April! Funny now that after all his attempts to get the charge down from MURDER to culpable homicide, which all were unsucesfull, does he want to give his version!!?? WHY did he knowing he shot a man, two shots, only run to his lawyer 17 days later AFTER the newspaper placed a photo of his vehicle in the news paper?? Why did he not come forth with prove of some kind, his doctor or medical prove of being assaulted??? Why hide for 17 days?? And many more questions that came from our Forensic Investigator reconstructing the scene and a 30 page report! QUESTIONS to many things in the docket / his statement. And why do we have a witness who will prove it was murder??? So Mr Sinequan give your side of the story, I was there, my kids were there and the only thing I know is, Owein protected us and his children from people like you who think a gun makes you a hero!! Count your days…..

  2. I would like to bring to your attention that the spelling you have used in this article is incorrect, please see below…
    Diseased – Caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology.
    Deceased – Dead.

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