Art gives to Child Welfare

BEAUTIFUL artworks donated by various local artists for a charity auction coloured the reception of the new upmarket O’Velia Hair and Beauty Studio launched on October 4, at Tiago Shopping Mall in EastCliff.

EASTCLIFF. At least four original paintings were auctioned off at the event that was attended by guests of honour, the representatives of Johannesburg Child Welfare Magati Nindi and Edith Shikumo, owner O’Velia Meintjies’ friends and family who came to show their support as well as curious residents attracted by the well-dressed individuals arriving for the swanky event.

“We were invited to receive the proceeds from an auction of donated paintings on behalf of the organisation,” said Child Welfare Fund Developer, Magati Nindi.

An impressive R3 392 was raised for the organisation that has cared for needy, abused, abandoned, neglected, consented for adoption, orphaned or made vulnerable (including the many that are infected with or have been affected by HIV and Aids) for over a 100 years.

Arno de Toit, an artist from Verwoed Park in Alberton, who donated two paintings said: “I prepared this work specifically for the auction, so I just did a pop art kind of painting,” he said holding up a painting of Marilyn Monroe. “My other work isn’t all like this I do a bit of everything but I love painting black and white [paintings] mainly I’m registered with a company called Behance should people like to get a hold of me.”

October 5 was when the shop was officially open to the public who have been enjoying a launch special that is to run until the end of October.

O’Velia Studio is said to be the first of many to come into the south of Johannesburg and in Central Johannesburg, with a training school set to be opened in the near future for up and coming beauticians. “We’ll train them how to style hair and how to use the products,” added O’Velia.

The training is also going to include manicure and pedicure courses.

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