Spreading love for her dogs

In total she has rescued 53 dogs of which seven have been reunited with their owners...

AVRIL Culverwell takes in dogs that are unwanted, lost, abused or thrown away and this started two years ago when she caught Nigerians wanting to export dogs illegally.

She also started a programme called Yorkie Rescue SA after her dog, Gizmo, got lost and was never found to this day. There are Yorkie rescuers all over the world saving dogs which are just thrown away or unwanted.

In total she has rescued 53 dogs of which seven have been reunited with their owners, five not reunited and 41 homed in two years. She has 13 dogs at her home in Brackenhurst, four at another sanctuary and 20 at another place.

Dogs are rescued from all places and people also call from all areas wanting to hand over their furry friends. Avril works closely with the SPCA and Watershed.

“Dogs are thrown away and neglected more and more often. The SPCAs are full, the sanctuaries are full and there is no more space for these beautiful animals,” she said. She teaches them behavioural skills, re-socialises them, and fills them with food and love.

This dog lover feeds the dogs and uses the money from her own pocket, unless people give donations. Thankfully Tails and Paws grooms the dogs free of charge.

When Avril is visited by someone who wants to adopt a dog, she lets the people fill out forms in adoption agreements and does home inspections to make sure her friends are doing well.

“My focus is on the dog’s well-being because they cannot fend for themselves. These days it is just too easy to hand over a pup because it becomes somebody else’s problem, but I love my dogs. I even talk to them.”

If you would like to donate, help her or get involved in any way you can e-mail thurday@mweb.co.za or contact Avril 082 965 5883 for further information.

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