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Keep your office desk tidy

WE often forget that if we clean where we work, more can be achieved. Cleanliness is the key to creative work.

WE often forget that if we clean where we work, more can be achieved. Cleanliness is the key to creative work.

Here are some of the tips one can adhere to:

• Have a day where you empty everything out of your table.

• Gather all the clutter and sort into rubbish, pens/pencils/pins, etc. and books. Sort these into ones which you need on the table and ones which have just decided to live there. If they don’t belong there, put them away!

• If possible, put up shelves, a bulletin board and a calendar. Buy a wastebasket, a variety of folders and filling cabinets/mini-drawers. These are all very important for keeping your office table neat, even though they aren’t actually part of the table.

• Put all of the rubbish in the bin. From now on, try to keep it off and from ever accumulating. This will not only clean your office table it will keep it clean.

• Put the books which you need on the table in the drawers (if you have an office table with drawers). If there is no space in the drawers, put the books in a neat pile on the table. Put things on shelves, if you have any. This will help free up room to work. If you have bought things to put under the table, put them there.

Source: www.wikihow.com

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