
An opportunity lost for all believers

The Body was broken so that we can be whole but the body (local church) remains broken and scattered. Another Easter weekend has passed, and I cannot help but feel sad as I look back at what happened in communities all over the country.

ALBERTON – An opportunity lost for all believers to take hands across denominations and come together to celebrate the fundamentals that is supposed to unite churches. Sadly, they still manage to divide believers. The same thing happens every Ascension Day and Christmas season as well. The “church” does not make any impact in our communities, because it sadly lacks the power behind unity.

The “church” chooses to be divided by minors rather than be united by its majors. I get it that some churches have their own events throughout the year. I get it that people want to be members of churches of their own choice. I get it that the majority goes away to be with family over those periods, but I know that there are enough people left behind who would love to attend such a joint event if it was presented.

Many times some smaller churches have events with poor attendance, because believers did not know about it. I feel that we should project a united front to those on the outside (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). Get together and use the facilities in our community to provide interdenominational events. If the church does not have the ability to unite, how do the church leaders expect the people to unite and bring about change?

I remember a few years ago some churches took the initiative and arranged an interdenominational event on Ascension Day during the evening in the Civic Centre. This was an amazing experience and it was well attended by believers from different denominations. Why has this stopped?

Give all participating churches an opportunity to contribute to the event and sow the “offerings” into existing or new community projects, where we can see what has been done with our contributions other than just another feeding scheme.

I have been a member of a main stream church for many many years, and I am fed up with the divisions the church creates within the church by leaders and members alike. Many believers share my sentiments. Church leadership is supposed to lead the way and provide means for believers to unite, but sadly they are precisely the ones opposing unity and cooperation between believers for various reasons. The church is an indicator of the spiritual health of the believers within the community, and from where I stand it is looking sick, toxic and powerless.

Vera, General Alberts Park

*Letter shortened, Editor

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