
Baby found in drain

Surely parents should be aware when their daughters are pregnant, and these girls should be monitored.

A baby (fetus) was found in a drain in Hortensia Road Palmridge when council workers came to clean the drain. They found white paper covering the opening of the drain and when they removed the paper they found the baby.

The mother could have been between six and seven months pregnant. She committed a crime and must ask God to forgive her. This is the second time a baby was found in a drain in Palmridge. Surely parents should be aware when their daughters are pregnant, and these girls should be monitored. Is this what we think of human life that we can treat a baby like rubbish? Surely young girls should think of prevention.

In Luke 1:36 and 41 we are told that Elisabeth conceived a “son” and that the “babe” leaped in her womb. God does not say that a “fetus” leaped in her womb! This is the exact word that God uses to describe Christ in the manger after He is born (Luke 2:12, 16). In God’s eyes, an unborn babe and a newborn babe are the same.

What is an “infant?” Please consider Job 3:16: “Or as an hidden untimely birth I had not been; as infants which never saw light.” Did you see that? Job referred to unborn children as infants. Not fetuses! In God’s eyes, an unborn child is a living human baby.

Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:3 that the last days will be characterised by people who lack “natural affection”.

I believe the pro-abortion movement is a perfect example of this. It is natural to conceive a child, grow to love that child, take care of the child during pregnancy, give birth and then raise the child with the best care possible. That’s the natural process that God has ordained. It is not natural to kill the child!

Abortion is never a mere personal choice but a grave offense against God.

Councillor Samantha Nair

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