
Inside Report: The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!!

Soweto is burning, its thick smoke choking the dusty roadways. Chants pierce the air as angry youths dart from one side of the road to the other. Police fire tear gas and rubber bullets in an attempt to gain control in the chaos that is unfolding.

ALBERTON – Scenes like this are reminiscent of days gone past, except that this has nothing to do with any political struggle. No, this is just rampant criminality; the looting and burning of foreign owned businesses in the townships. But let’s be honest, let’s call it what it is: xenophobia!! There, I said it… the words that may not be uttered.

The cover-ups and spin jobs are in full effect with everyone using every euphemism under the sun to avoid saying xenophobia, but that is what it is, attacks against foreigners because they are foreigners. Now the youth will say it’s because they are taking jobs away from them or that their prices are too low to compete with or that they sell inferior quality goods. So let’s look at this:

1. They are entrepreneurs so they never took jobs away from anyone, they created jobs for themselves.

2. The reason their prices are good is because they understand bulk buying, they all buy together and then divide stock thus dropping the unit prices.

3. If their goods are of such poor quality, why are you stealing it?

In my opinion what we are seeing is a direct result of government’s message, which is clear: This is our land and thus we will take what we want, because we are entitled to it. There is no such thing as working hard and building a business; no, it’s give me what you have, because I deserve it.

We should be building a culture of entrepreneurship, but instead we are breeding a culture of violence and crime. And unfortunately, until we see a massive change in the accountability of the leaders and a change of the message, this violence, I am afraid, will soon spread.

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