
N12 accident – Wrong information across the board

The driver of a petrol tanker is being blamed for the accident. This is not the case.

ALBERTON – After the horrific accident on Tuesday morning October 14 on the N12 east highway, many news reports have stated it was a petrol tanker which lost its brakes and crashed into over 40 vehicles.

This report is untrue. It wasn’t a petrol tanker but a heavy goods truck which careered out of control.

Latest reports say it was a truck carrying cement which actually caused the accident.

Reports are still sketchy and we will keep you updated.

Photo by @Mikedbza
Photo by @Mikedbza

Read: Nine tips to ensure safety at an accident scene

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  1. It wasn’t the petrol tanker, it was the truck in this picture. I was on scene and had just changed lanes when this lunatic came flying past me on the left and plowed into the stationery cars. He was must have been doing 120 plus on downhill into peak hour traffic.

  2. This guy will probably go to jail for culpable homicide AND THIS TRULY WAS AN ACCIDENT, but watch Oscar walk free and he killed someone with intend.
    My thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved in this accident and their extended families.

  3. G: don’t be so quick to blame the driver and call him a lunatic…. try the truck owner who no doubt had been taking shortcuts with the servicing of his vehicles to save money…

  4. CPD, I was there, he ‘flew’ past me, if I hadn’t moved he would have plowed into me. I saw the carnage after and people lying everywhere, so sorry if I seem a little off and call him a lunatic. Yes, truck owner no doubt responsible as well, as driver said he did try and apply brakes and the tyres were pretty smooth as well. But to be honest, he had no chance of stopping anyway with speed he was going, even if brakes were in good order, he was going too fast, with a heavy load behind him. He only came to a stand still about 800 meters down the road after going through so many cars, think of the momentum needed to do that and speed he needed to be going to get that momentum. We see these guys every day driving these trucks like this with no regards for other people on the road, it was just a matter of time before this happened on this scale. My thoughts go out to the deceased families, very sad for them.

  5. I am so thankful I missed this. I left 10 minutes earlier than I normally do that day. I have no doubt that he mustve been going at one helluva speed though. I have had two trucks this size nearly go into the side of me in the last month cause they did not look or care who is next to them. It makes me so angry to think another person could cause so much damage just trying to get to their destination 2 minutes quicker than what it wouldve taken them going the speed limit.

  6. Point blank if he kept his speed like he was suppose to he would not have lost control. If what I heard is true not sure if it is, he should not have speed up and try and pass the Tanker on a down hill.
    Truck Drivers do not take us into consideration, how many of us had to slam breaks on the highway passing a truck not indicating he is changing lanes, How many off us have had to go pass the speed limit just to pass a truck that is suppose to keep a speed limit of 80. At the end of the day it was negligence not only from the owner not servicing their trucks properly, but the driver driving like a maniac.

  7. Nice to get news from Alberton , I lived there for a frew years all the best to all my old friends

  8. It would be nice to keep in tuch,i lived in Alberton for a few years nice to see the
    Paper good luck to all in Alberton and all my old ferns

  9. Another poor truck driver taking the “punishment” for the company’s fault, really???. The poor truck driver as referred to is actually the guilty one and if that person couldn’t put the peace’s together after watching the eyewitness video and realising what damage this “truck” caused with or without brakes this is called speeding in other word he did not keep by the speed limit. Poor “truck driver” my ass!!!rather be sorry for the poor families of the victims that died because of the truck driver..

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