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Alberton Angel affords amputee a chance to walk

State pensioner Lalie Reyneke was in tears when Ruan du Preez from AJ du Preez Orthotist Prosthetist announced live on radio, his keen interest of making her a brand new leg at no cost to her.

Ruan du Preez from AJ du Preez Orthotist Prosthetist at New Market’s MediMix has forever been a person who loved working with his hands and nothing melts his heart like seeing his patients walk again.

Together with his team and orthotist prosthetist Gerhard Swart, they will join forces to get amputee Lalie Reynecke back on her feet – offering their expertise, lab time and physical components.

During Jacaranda FM’s Good Morning Angels, Du Preez generously took on the responsibility of making her a prosthetic leg and committed to continuing to walk a path with her.

They will be making her a transfemoral prosthesis, also known as the above-knee prosthesis, which includes a socket, liner and suspension, prosthetic knee, a prosthetic pylon and a prosthetic fee.

Bela Bela’s Reynecke is best described as a remarkable woman, who inspires hope with her resilience in the face of life-altering adversity.

Her heartfelt fate

According to a request addressed by Jéan Visagie, vice president of Centurion Social Darts League, to Jacaranda FM’s Good Morning Angels, Reynecke’s story is one of triumph against all odds.

“Lalie is in desperate need of financial assistance, with a prosthetic limb costing more than R90 000. In 2021, she faced a life-altering accident that led to the devastating loss of her right leg, all due to the unforgiving grip of necrotizing fasciitis, commonly known as flesh-eating bacteria,” she stated.

She said what began as a seemingly insignificant cut swiftly turned into a battle for survival, with doctors ultimately forced to amputate her leg to save her life.

Rick van Wyk from the Log Cabin Knights Darts Club was then impelled to have his club play a marathon match of darts non-stop for 60 hours and one minute, to raise funds for Reynecke.

The Guinness World Record attempt and fundraiser managed to raise R30 000, though not enough – they then reached out to Good Morning Angels.

Alberton angel jumps in

Du Preez and his team will be joining Good Morning Angels for the first time as a four-ball at the Good Morning Angels Golf Day.

Du Preez said: “I hear Jacaranda FM’s Good Morning Angels every Wednesday and it touches you every time you listen to it. My wife was also an orthotist, and we decided that we would like to give back to the community and get involved in something bigger than us. We like to give a helping hand where we can, and we do play in a lot of golf days for local charities.”

Ruan du Preez from AJ du Preez Orthotist Prosthetist.

When they heard on the radio that Jacaranda FM’s Good Morning Angels Golf Day was coming up, they decided to be part of it by purchasing a four-ball.

“I sent an email to the team informing them that I’m an orthotist prosthetist, with a practice in Alberton and Sandton and that we would like to be part of the Good Morning Angels team. Sometimes people give out a million rands to people, though I can’t give out that much, I can give my expertise and knowledge, and assist in that way,” explained Du Preez.

They [Jacaranda FM] then made contact, informing him about Reynecke and he gladly jumped on board without thinking twice.

He said he then visited the studio and that is when they decided they would manufacture a prosthetic leg, giving Lalie all the components she needed according to her leg activity.

“We want to meet her expectations as far as possible, and as far as the prosthetics will allow her to. I’ll continue making her legs in the future. That’s a commitment I’m making for as long as I’m blessed to have a practice. She started off with Gerhard Swart, a friend and colleague based in Pretoria, and between the two practices we will make sure she gets a leg,” he explained.

At the end of the day, Du Preez said it is not about who gives what, but making sure that Reynecke walks and gets the prosthetic leg that she deserves.

He reiterated that their work is quite satisfying and that seeing somebody walk again after receiving a prosthesis puts a smile on his face.

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