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Little Angel’s Nursery School raises funds for Joburg South NPO

Mayberry Park’s Little Angel’s Nursery School was the eyes of the sightless when they recently led a fundraiser for the Johannesburg Society for the Blind.

Annually, Little Angel’s Nursery School commemorates Mandela Day and this year, the school decided to raise funds for the Johannesburg Society for the Blind.

They got their Grade R learners to paint with the blind people and get their works of art auctioned to the highest bidder on their parents’ contact list.

Celeste Pereira, the owner of Little Angel’s Nursery School, said, “Our initiative is two-fold. First, we wanted the children to engage with disabled people. Second, the proceeds benefited this NPO.”

The nursery school also invited visiting Rotary Exchange students from Germany and Italy to participate in the event held over the weekend ahead of Mandela Day.

For a second initiative, the school will collect instant noodles for the less fortunate.

The little ones got creative. Photo: Celeste Pereira

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