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Snowfall brings excitement at Revival City College

Locals woke up to a freezing snowy Monday which brought excitement to learners and staff of Brackenhurst’s Revival City College.

Revival City College’s aftercare children were excited to experience snow for the first time in their lives during a cold morning on July 10. The cold did not deter them from running and playing outside as the soft snowflakes fell.

The staff at Revival City College also had much-fun in the snow.

Five-year-old Aurora Warder from the school was among those who enjoyed the snow.

She said she has waited ‘her whole life’ to see the snow and that all she wanted was to build a snowman.

Revival City College’s staff gets creative by building a mini snowman. Photo: Karen van den Oever
Revival City College’s aftercare children in the snow. Photo: Karen van den Oever

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