Keeping a legacy alive

Brenda Lea Beauty Boutique was opened to celebrate the legacy of Brenda Lea Smith who died in September 2018.

Brenda suffered a sudden heart attack at the age of 42 after taking part in a park run.

“Brenda loved all things related to beauty,” said her husband, Barrett Smith, who bought the previous salon and changed the name to honour her.

Barrett was working in the motoring industry at the time of Brenda’s death. “Suddenly, I had to be both a mother and father to our sons,” he said.

Their two sons, Brayden and Blayne, are currently 14 and 17 respectively.

“Working six days a week left me with no time to spend with them. This was part of the reason I bought the salon to be able to spend more time with Brayden and Blayne.”

Barrett said that it is only after the death of his wife that he realised exactly how much she did for them. “She did everything with them. Even if she just went shopping she took one of the boys with her.”

According to him, one of her biggest fears was that she did not have any friends.

“She touched so many people,” said Barrett.

“At her funeral, there were more than a thousand people. She was loved by everyone.”

Fighting to keep a legacy alive

The beauty salon Barrett bought for Brenda’s legacy was growing very successfully, allowing Barrett more time to spend and enjoy with his sons.

“I think she would have been very proud of it,” he said.

“In some ways I think I only became the man I was supposed to be for my family after she died. I think she is smiling at us.”

Barrett dreams that the beauty boutique will provide for Brenda’s sons and their future.

Unfortunately, as with many businesses, the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions have hit the boutique hard. There are concerns that if things do not turn around soon they will have to close their doors.

To Barrett, this is a hard and concerning matter due to the emotions tied to the business.

“I do believe that Brenda is watching over us and that her hand will protect us,” said Barrett.

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