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Life of an interior designer with Carina Rossouw

For Carina, the most satisfying part of her job is to stand in a room that she designed and to know that all of this started with a pencil line on a paper.

Carina Rossouw (42) is a very talented interior designer from Alberton who absolutely loves her job and living the dream.

“To be an interior designer is more than just a job, it is a passion,” she said.

After qualifying as an interior designer with a B. Tech interior design degree from the Tshwane University of Technology she worked for the well-known interior designer, Lynne Blumberg, for seven years.

“ I must say I enjoyed every minute of my adventure with Lynne. We did interior designing worldwide and it was an amazing time for me,” she said.

Going solo

But after seven years, Carina decided that it was time to start her own thing and that was when Nina Interior Design was born.

Today, her business is already two and a half years old.

For Carina, the most satisfying part of her job is to stand in a room that she designed and to know that all of this started with a pencil line on a paper.

“Some of the challenges I face is non-reliable suppliers and sometimes I will get a very difficult client, but I am a person who loves challenges and will always strive to do my best,” she said.

Her day entails being at her home-office, either drawing on her computer or handling suppliers while she meets clients on other days set aside. Carina said that she enjoys being her own boss.

“I am in control of my time and I am independent. I can work and still be flexible, like being able to attend all my child’s school events,” she said.

Carina Rossouw is an interior designer from Alberton who is not afraid of challenges.

Carina’s inspirations in the designing world are of course her mentors, Lynne Blumberg and Philippe Starck, French architect and designer known for his wide range of designs, including interior design, household objects and furniture, luxury yachts or other vehicles.

She gets most of her inspiration and ideas from Philippe, social media, and visiting design expos and shows.

“I try my utter best to be updated about the latest trends,” she said.

Her advice for young up-and-coming interior designers is to always stay humble.

“You have to be open-minded and listen to what your client wants. A good designer is able to adapt to the client’s style. And also make sure that this is not just a job, but something you love.”

Family and personal life

Carina is the youngest of four children and she was born and bred in Alberton.

“An interesting fact about my family is that my mother’s grandfather was one of the founders of Alberton,” she said.

Carina met her husband, Marius, in high school and they got married on October 16, 2004.

“Before I got married, Marius told me that he can’t have children and I replied by saying that I love him and that we should leave it in God’s hands.”

Eight years ago they both decided to live healthier and to start exercising, so they bought bicycles.

“On our first trip on our bicycles I could not finish cycling around the block and I was out of breath. My husband thought it was my heart only to find out that I am pregnant.”

Nine months later, their miracle baby, Nina-Marí, was born.

“She is the light in my life and she makes every minute of being a mother worth it.”

Carina described herself as a Christian woman who strives to acknowledge God in everything she does.

“Be humble, be kind, work hard and dream big,” she said.

In her spare time, she loves to do arts and crafts, to paint and to spend time with her family and friends.

“We are also big lovers of the theatre and love to attend ballet.”

Hannah in the Old Testament, wife of Elkanah and mother to Samuel, is Carina’s role model.

“With a lot of things that have happened in my life I can relate the most to her. Hannah was childless but prayed to God for a child. She rejoiced in Him when he answered her prayers and devoted her child to Him.

The very talented Carina Rossouw.

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