
LastManStands speaks on Covid-19

LMS has been carefully monitoring the quickly evolving worldwide health crisis.

For the past several weeks, LastManStands (LMS) has been carefully monitoring the quickly evolving worldwide health crisis resulting from the spread of Covid-19 and have cancelled the Miami Open tournament at the end of the month.

The LMS tournament was announced to take place in Alberton and at Klipriversberg Recreation Centre in March and April.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa declared Covid-19) a national disaster and, among others, decided on the following measures:

• South African citizens returning from high-risk countries will be subjected to testing and self-isolation or quarantine on return to South Africa.

• Travellers from medium-risk countries will be required to undergo high-intensity screening.

• All travellers who have entered SA from high-risk countries since mid-February will be required to present themselves for testing.

Medium-risk countries include Portugal, Hong Kong and Singapore, and high-risk countries include Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany, the US, the UK and China.

As an organisation, LMS take the threat of Covid-19 in a very serious light. The pro-active action is the sensible thing to do.

With immediate effect, LMS has put the following precautions in place:

• If any player has been in contact or has travelled internationally since mid-February it needs to be reported to LMS. Please send an email to and your franchise owner and team organiser so that we are aware.

• Any player who has been in contact or has travelled to a medium-risk country/ies and or high-risk country since mid-February will be required to self-isolate away from LastManStands until beginning April, and upon return have a doctor’s note confirming good health.

• Any player who has contact with or travels to a medium-risk country and or high-risk country will be required to self-isolate away from LMS for 14 days from the date of arrival in SA, the date of contact, to try to halt the spread of the virus, and upon return have a doctor’s note confirming good health.

• With immediate effect, LMS will implement the “no-handshake” rule. This means that no handshakes, “high-fives”, hugs or any physical touch will be allowed.

• No sharing of any cricket equipment, shirts, caps etc.

• No sharing of water bottles or any form of juice/cooldrinks/beers.

• Each team must have a bottle of hand sanitiser at the fields at all time, each and every player/umpire to wash hands before and after each match.

Any umpire or player who is sick is to stay home from LMS until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.

Please note – on the side of caution if you observe that you have respiratory illness symptoms, such as a running nose, cough and/or sore throat LMS reserves the right to send a player home if LMS (umpires, officials, league managers) is of the opinion that he/she is “sick”.

Share this information with the players in your team to make sure they are aware of these rules and precautions.

LMS trust that you see these precautions in a positive light and that being pro-active is probably the best form of defence in a situation like this.

Any information on LMS may be obtained from Bjorn Briggs or LastManStands SA


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