
Mud supreme after water pipe burst

Residents have become fed-up with council and its workers since their area has been left looking like a mess after water pipes burst.

RANDHART – Elizabeth Eybers Street, Randhart has become notorious with burst water pipes over the past few months and residents are up in arms.

One resident contacted City Water and was left with a reference number and a massive muddy hole on his pavement.

It was not enough to be left without water after it was cut to be fixed, but contractors cut through electricity wires and left the street without any water or electricity.

The pipes in the street have burst about five times and residents suggest that council should replace all the pipes as they are obviously old and worn.

Contractors have told the residents that they will fix the lamp post, which is now lying flat on the ground, the pavement, replace the grass and cover the hole, although nobody knows when that will happen.

One resident contacted Councillor Bruna Haipel, who said that she would try her best to get the matter sorted out.

The resident as well as the RECORD is waiting for comment from Council.

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