
Alberton SAPS officer speaks to community about crime issues

Ekurhuleni West Cluster’s Alberton captain had the chance to talk to the community on Kasie FM.

KASIE FM listeners were addressed by Ekurhuleni West Cluster Alberton SAPS spokesperson Capt Manare Ramotshela on February 11. He touched on burning issues and other crime-related matters. The show was hosted by Ntate Mokwena.

“I had two phone calls of which one of the callers managed to make an appointment for further assistance in connection with the people that sell drugs in their neighbourhood,” said Ramotshela.

He said that he informed that caller about a similar incident, where the community of Leondale spoke to the cluster commander at the meeting and soon after drugs were recovered in the Katlehong area.

During the show, he also gave out his service contact numbers to the community for those who wanted to report any criminal activities.


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