
I’ll keep you my meaty little secrets …

Or maybe not … the secrets are out! Turn ‘n Tender has some hidden gems on their menu that we decided to share with you, our lick-your-lips-clean meat loving readers. Keep watching this space and we will let the cat(s) out the bag one secret at a time…

Or maybe not … the secrets are out! Turn ‘n Tender has some hidden gems on their menu that we decided to share with you, our lick-your-lips-clean meat loving readers. Keep watching this space and we will let the cat(s) out the bag one secret at a time…

Secret One : Winner, winner chicken for dinner!

Did you know that nestled among all the delish steaks on the menu at our fave steakhouse, Turn ‘n Tender is the most delish and succulent chicken dishes? Yes please! For starters there are the most incredibly decadent pan-fried chicken livers served plain or with a peri peri cream sauce. Hmmmmm!



On the main course side there is spring chicken, absolutely filled with flavour. Plus a deboned half chicken and a breast fillet … all flame grilled in either a peri peri, fresh lemon ‘n herb, BBQ or sweet chilli ‘n coriander sauce.



Let’s confuse you even more … what about a golden-crumbed schnitzel with a cheese or mushroom sauce? On a diet? No problem, there is a chicken salad available, fresh and crisp! Can you say #winning? Details: 


Secret Two: Ribbing delicious!


We know how much guys love to tuck into a good steak, and goodness do we love doing that at Turn ‘n Tender… But did you know … the signature dish on the menu is actually the beef ribs! Juicy, succulent, fall-off-the-bone deliciousness, they will just want you hankering after more and more. Knives and forks be darned, we are eating with our hands and washing it down with a delicious glass of red wine from their extensive (and impressive) wine list. There is a great variety of sides, our fave is the chips … I mean who doesn’t love a fresh crisp steakhouse chip? Another firm favourite is a baked potato with a dollop of cream or butter. Our mouths are watering just thinking about it. Yum!


Secret Three: Biltong, oh how we adore you!




The big game is round the corner, the beers are chilled, the chip and dip is waiting to be devoured … but something is missing. Yip, as South African’s we all know, it just ‘aint the same without biltong. Fresh, spicy, salty slices of heaven. Well, did you know Turn ‘n Tender has the most incredible selection of biltong dishes … think biltong carpaccio, marinated biltong, biltong pâté, dry wors and well, obviously biltong! Not sure what to order, well get a platter with the whole lot. Plus, you can take home the tender taste for the next big game … or to just to scoff down on the car ride home. Yes we do adore you!

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