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GALLERY: Do your bit to restore Alberton Boulevard

Ward 106 would like to ask your assistance in getting Alberton Boulevard repaired.

THE Ward 106 Love Alberton Project would like to ask the assistance of all customers, business owners and residents to help convince the Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality to enact much-needed repairs and improvements to the Alberton Boulevard.

Alberton Boulevard currently is a total mess and eyesore. The Boulevard has deteriorated from, what was supposed to be a tranquil welcoming pedestrian precinct, to a chaotic, messy, disorganised most unattractive location.

In a statement to the RECORD the committee said: “As a ‘moment of truth’, in terms of marketing, the Boulevard is a disaster. Instead of serving as an attractive, welcoming location to shoppers/clients and customers, the current state of the precinct only serves as a major discouragement, resulting in only ‘need to’ visits to the enterprises in and around the precinct, thus defeating the original purpose and motivation of the Boulevard.”

The Boulevard falls within Ward 106 and the ward councillor, Alderman Bruna Haipel, and her ward committee have been endeavoring to have the Boulevard and surrounds revamped and upgraded in order to re-establish the attractive, tranquil and welcoming entity that was originally envisaged.

However, the Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality, notwithstanding many appeals for the envisaged revamp, have deemed it to be a low priority project, notwithstanding the financial impact the decrepit Boulevard has had on the livelihoods and trading of the business enterprises served by the Boulevard.

In order to persuade the EMM that the project is vital to the Alberton CBD, the ward committee needs your assistance and input.

All that is needed, at this point in time, is a letter or other missive on a letterhead emailed to the ward expressing:

a) Your disappointment regarding the current state of the Boulevard.

b) Your desire and insistence that the precinct is revamped into an area that will serve Alberton proudly.

All the responses will be collated and submitted to the council and hopefully, the EMM will appreciate the project deserves their urgent attention.

Please address your missive to the ward committee at the following addresses or or drop it at the Rates Hall Alberton Civic Centre marked for the attention of Alderman Bruna Haipel.

The ward and council would like to thank all in anticipation for their interest, concern, and response.

DECAY: Alberton Boulevard is in a terrible state of disrepair.

Also Read:

How Alberton was built and how it has grown

Alberton Boulevard a nightmare for the disabled

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