
Metal thieves target palisade fences

One palisade fence near Mall of the South is also history due to constant cannibalising by thieves.

THE battle against crime continues, with many cordoned off parks being targeted for their palisade fencing.

A resident in Ridgeway says he is gatvol of the lack of action taken against thugs who steal from communities.

The resident, who asked not to be named, said the palisades on Stefanus Street have been steadily dwindling since he reported them to his ward councilor Sergio Dos Santos four months ago.

Also Read:Ā Palisade stolen in Alberton North

He said the fence is slowly disappearing as thugs makee off with the steel to sell for scrap metal.

ā€œI reported the palisades which were then loose-ended and needed welding,ā€ he said.

BROKEN: Glass near the ruined palisade fence in Ridgeway.

The fence is now hanging in a dire state as criminals scavenge through what is left of the palisades.

Councillor Dos Santos was contacted for comment, with no response at time of publication.

TheĀ RECORD contacted a few scrap metal dealers for clarity as to how they would identify stolen property brought in.

Imraan from Cash for ScraP Skoro-Koro in Regents Park assisted, saying it was a challenge to tell the thieves from the genuine law-abiding citizens.

People often brought in scrap metal and it was sorted, weighed and bought from the seller. He said his operation is registered and demands an identity document as part of any transaction.

HANGING: Scrap metal thieves have left this palisade fence in Ridgeway barely standing.

He stressed again that it remains challenging to sift out the trouble-makers.

Public properties are being left in an awful state as ongoing and increasing scrap metal thefts continue to cripple the city.

Another community member and renowned sports reporter, Annette van Schalkwyk, said a section of palisade fencing near Mall of the South was also history due to constant cannibalising by thieves.

The RECORDĀ has carried regular reports about the same problem in Eden Park.

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