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Bee’s knees in Brackendowns

Bees could sting someone badly if the huge bee hive is not removed.

BRACKENDOWNS – A huge bee hive hangs from a tree in Palala Street, Brackendowns and every so often they are disturbed by a truck driving past, unsettling their comfort. The tree’s branches hang so low, which makes it easy for an angry bee to swoop down and sting someone.

Resident George Enslin told the RECORD, “There are thousands of bees gathered in that hive and it is very dangerous.”

Although George removes bees as a hobby, he is hoping that Government would come and remove them without having to kill the bees. “It is not a one man job, and it takes a few hours, about three to four hours, to remove a hive that size,” said George.

The bees have already stung a few residents; thankfully they were not allergic to the bees.

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