
Residents are not happy with service

No one pitched up for work on September 10.

Home Affairs are becoming a real issue for residents in town. First of all you can phone all their numbers and no one answers.

I have contacted the RECORD on Friday September 9 and received four more numbers to dial and no one picked up. When I got there before 8am on September 10 people were already standing in queues.

We were then told that their staff did not arrive for duty.

While I was in line I spoke to a woman who applied for her ID on August 1 and was at the Home Affairs every Saturday. They always have some kind of excuse.

We can’t take off from work so we go on Saturdays. This is just horrible and I can not believe how their standard of service has gone down. What can be done?

Concerned Resident

*The RECORD tried to phone Home Affairs, on four different numbers on Tuesday, September 13, but no one answered.


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