
Like a Boss

She is small and petite, but that is where the diminutives end when describing Karen Watts! She has a persona larger than life, willpower and drive to move mountains and a big heart with compassion for people!

Add the fact that she is feisty, passionate and dedicated and you have a woman who is riding the crest of success. She was recently appointed the top position as general manager Caxton local media metropolitan.

Karen, who has been living in Benoni for 21 years, kicked off her career at Caxton 30 years ago. She started as a sales person in March 1986. Karen climbed the success ladder and became sales manager and later the group sales manager of Amalgamated Press. In 1999 she became the branch manager of Amalgamated Press. With the years more newspapers were added to her portfolio and by 2012 she managed 10 local newspapers and two GET IT magazines. In 2013 she was promoted to general manager of the central east, near east and south’s 14 newspapers.

She has chaired the Caxton Advertising committee and is co-principal of the Caxton Sales Cadet School which was established by her.

Now, as the heart of Caxton local media metropolitan, Karen’s daily task is to let the Caxton machine runs smoothly. Quite a huge responsibility I would say. So how does a successful person’s mind operate?

How do you define success? “Success is measured by breath-taking moments surpassing all goals and striving to bring value to each single day!”

To what do you most attribute your success? “My determination to choose my frame of mind and thinking despite external influences.”

What habits helped you to be successful? “I am an extremely disciplined person and I am a people’s person. I always commit myself to learn new things.”

What mind-sets attributed to your success? “That only I am n control of my own mind and nothing else.”

What was your biggest mistake? “Not realising it sooner.”

How did you deal with failure and what did you learn from it? “I see failure as a learning opportunity. It’s not how many times that I fall that counts but rather getting back up each time.”

What motivates you? “Growing people, to see them become more than they ever imagined. I am passionate about people.”

Who has been your greatest inspiration? “My mom and my two children.”

What book has inspired you the most? “The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak. I recommend it for everyone.”

If you could talk to one person from history, who would it be and why? “Rumi, the famous poet and Winston Churchill. Rumi realised all that is real is love and Churchill was a conqueror.”


Who is Karen when she is at home on a weekend? “I am an enthusiastic reader and enjoy curling up on the couch with a good book. I love my animals. I have two cats and eight dogs of which most are rescue dogs. I also have a beautiful warmblood horse called Big Vin whom I love dearly! I ride her every weekend.”

You are a keen runner “I am a distant runner. I get up at 4am three times a week to run. I have run three Comrades and four Two Oceans.”

The motto you live by “Everything is temporary, nothing lasts forever.”


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