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Madiba magic at Amcare

MADIBA magic was what it was about for Amcare.

MADIBA magic was what it was about for Amcare on Monday, July 18.

Donations poured in from sponsors. Makro Alberton donated food items worth R3 000. They also spent time laying a carpet in the social work office and prepared vegetables for the soup made for clients who visit the organisation daily.

Pam Golding Alberton and JHB South surprised 26 of Amcare’s clients with a street fair. Amcare transported some of their poorest clients from Tokoza, Eden Park, Phola Park and Greenfields to the offices, to give them an opportunity to get some necessary clothing for the cold weather.

The team from Pam Golding cleared their own cupboards to bless clients of Amcare.

Kemtek Imaging Systems donated R5 000 worth of groceries for victims of domestic violence and the staff of Kemtek also spent time with some of the clients and children. Each client and their children received a Mandela Day surprise, in the form of a goody bag.

Three staff members from the SA Institute for Graduate Co-operatives came to participate in Mandela day and learn more about Amcare.

Paint was sponsored by a company who painted the flower pots. Local residents, while the Houniet family assisted by cleaning the food store and working in the vegetable garden.

Boerie rolls, soup, cold drinks and pancakes were sponsored by Checkers Hyper New Market for all staff.

The children and parents of the Suiderlig Voortrekkers emptied their sock drawers and managed to fill a huge washing basket with socks for drop-in clients, who will now be able to receive a scrumptious cup of soup and have warm feet.

Amcare took the opportunity to give back their 67 Minutes on Tuesday, July 19, when they visited the Alberton SAPS office. The organisation’s staff (managers and ground staff included) got down and dirty and cleared the surrounding gardens of weeds, leaves and debris.

The catering staff at Amcare prepared soup and sandwiches, which were handed out to the SAPS officers and administration staff.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to help the community,” an Amcare worker commented. Social work manager Marihet Infantino said she would like to see this initiative continue and the relationship they have with the SAPS strengthen going forward.

Amcare would like to express a heartfelt thanks to all those who assisted selflessly with both their time and donations to help the organisation run successfully.

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