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Biodegradable bottle: A green alternative to plastic

A student In Iceland may just have saved the planet.

More than 50 billion plastic bottles are discarded every year and thatā€™s a problem because it takes plastic more than 450 years to decompose. Ari JĆ³nsson, a product design student who studies at the Icelandic Academy of Arts, came up with a way to create a completely biodegradable water bottle using red algae powder.

Ari JĆ³nsson exhibited his biodegradable bottle at a design festival inĀ Reykjavik recently.


After reading about the amount of plastic humans waste every day Ari decided to do something about it.


ā€œI read that 50 per cent of plastic is used once and then thrown away so I feel there is an urgent need to find ways to replace some of the unreal amount of plastic we make.ā€


Then Ari asked the million dollar question: ā€œWhy are we using materials that take hundreds of years to break down in nature to drink from once and then throw away?ā€


To show that he means business, he started studying the strengths and weaknesses of certain substances, eventually coming up with a solution to our plastic problem – a bottle made from algae.


The substance can be formed into a bottle by adding water, heat, placing the resulting jelly into a mold and then putting the mold into a freezer.


If the bottle remains full of water it will keep its shape, as soon as itā€™s empty it starts to decompose ā€“Ā you couldnā€™t ask for a better alternative.


You can even eat the bottle when youā€™re done, making Ariā€™s design both practical and waste free ā€“ hopefully the world takes notice.

Source: Boredpanda

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