
Inside Report

All I can say is awaken o great African heart, for your heritage, your history and your future is all but gone.

THE decision to impeach or not to impeach our President brings the Constitution into question.

I often wonder if William Shakespeare was alive today, what he would write about our dear President? Surely he would pen a great tragedy to rival that of ‘Macbeth’. A tale of greed and lust twisted with bitter despair and riddled with betrayal. A story that outlines the life of a man who would be king, ousting his rival to ascend the throne. Twisted and controlled by three cohorts from the sub continent, the new king plunders the land leaving only devastation and poverty in his wake.

Actually, if you think about it, this could be a season of ‘Game of Thrones’. King Zuma has taken the iron throne banishing Mbeki to the wall. The capital city is once again ruled by tyranny and winter is coming.

Now that I am on a role it could actually form the script for the next star wars movie. In a galaxy far, far away. The Sith Lord Zuma has wrestled the senate from the galactic empire, supported by the separatists, he prepares for complete domination. Only a young Jedi by the name of Mmusi Maimane and the rebel alliance can stand against him. But Lord Zuma is not easily defeated as he is protected by his caucus of doom.

Or perhaps one day we will sing this as a nursery rhyme to our children. One, two, three, four, five once I caught Zuma in a lie. Six, seven, eight, nine, 10 then I had to let him go again. Why did you let him go? Because 233 of his friends told me so. Why did they put up a fight? To show that they don’t care about South Africa’s plight.

All jokes aside, we have seen the death of democracy and the rise of hypocrisy. The law applies only to those not in power. This President is the architect of our demise, he has sold our country to the highest bidder and stolen our children’s future. The really sad part is that the so-called oldest liberation movement in Africa is proving to be nothing than another great African dictatorship.

All those that laid down their lives just so that this man and his friends may live a life of luxury. All those sacrifices just so that this man could sell this country’s soul into Gupta slavery. All I can say is awaken o great African heart, for your heritage, your history and your future is all but gone.

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