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Sensory rooms develop children

Future plans is to make the rugby field almost like a sensory room.

IT is all about helping children to develop all their senses, and there is no better way but to introduce their senses to different stimulants.

The two sensory rooms at the Junior Colleges Castillian have already proved that children from three to 18 months find these rooms the best place to be.

According to the principal, Trudie Gilmore, these rooms offer huge benefits to children, regardless of their age or ability. “They are extremely therapeutic. The main aim is to calm or stimulate a child through each of their senses.”

A sensory room develops a person’s senses through special lighting, music, smells and objects. If you walk into the room you will see colourful lights, smell sweet fragrances, hear music and feel hard, soft and fluffy objects.

Teachers also create different type of atmospheres for different types of sessions. Trudie said that the younger you start with the full development of the minds of the next generation, the more successful they will be. “Every teacher in the school is now asking for their own sensory rooms,” said Trudie.


Here is a example of a sensory room:

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