
Inside Report with Michael Basch: WOW what a week that has passed!

The tension in the City council reaching fever pitch culminating in the storming of the council chamber by armed SAPS and EMPD officers was one for the books.

ALBERTON – In scenes reminiscent of the ill fated State of the Nation Address, the DA was forcibly removed from council this week by the SAPS and EMPD under instruction from the Speaker of Council. The issue stems from the fact that the city manager is illegally occupying his position. The High Court ruled that his contract was not valid and thus Ngema was illegally operating as the city manager, a fact the Mayor chose not to share with council. But in a stunning turn of events both the DA and Irasa exposed the Mayor in council catching him in a blatant lie.

The issue now is that the Speaker of Council, the Chief Whip of Council and the Mayor have chosen to ignore the High Court ruling and insist that the city manager remains in his position. The DA contends that this means that any decision taken in regards to council is then illegal as there is no legally appointed accounting officer for the Metro, an absolute requirement under the law. They raised their objections in an urgent motion to council supported by Irasa only to be stifled and shunned by the speaker.

This lead to the DA protesting vigorously by holding up placards stating that the mayor lied and the city manager is illegal. Naturally the Speaker found this to be unacceptable, how dare anyone oppose the might of the ruling party’s right to ignore the law. Lets not forget the president himself stated that the ANC comes first and the country second.

And so the SAPS and EMPD where ordered to remove the DA from the chamber. Armed police did as requested. Now I have said it before and I will say it again, the last thing I am afraid of is a politician, they really don’t pose much of physical threat and other than maybe throwing an agenda at you, probably couldn’t do much physical harm to a trained officer of the law. So at the end the message is abundantly clear, the law exists to govern the people, um some of the people, it just depends on which side of the political line you stand.

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