United in grief

Alberton residents gathered to remember all the people they have lost.

ALBERTON – More than 200 residents released 1000 balloons, on Sunday, August 30, in remembrance of their loved ones who have passed away.

This second annual Memorial Day was held at the Stepping Stone Hospice premises in New Market Park.

“Events such as the annual Memorial Day are a reminder that we all experience pain, grief and loss. It’s also important to know that we are not alone. As we reflect and remember our loved ones together, we get the opportunity to share our memories with others,” explained hospice CEO, Tersia Burger.

Tersia went on to describe the impact grief has on people and quoted her late daughter who said, “when you remember me, remember me with an act of kindness”.

Dr. Vernon van Wyk, deacon of the Alberton Methodist Church, ended the formal part of the proceedings with a prayer for those who have passed and the loved ones that remain behind.

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