
Where is Alrode in the EMM budget?

Re-industrialisation was repeatedly mentioned in the EMM budget address given on May 28 but where does Alrode, an industrial and manufacturing hub, fit into the plan?

ALBERTON – Re-industrialisation and the decline of the manufacturing industry were repeatedly mentioned in the budget address given on Thursday, May 28.

Listen to the Ekurhuleni 2015/2016 budget address:

Read about the 2015/2016 budget debate here

Declining manufacturing was mentioned as an exacerbating factor to poverty and unemployment as it represents a key employment sector in the city.

Re-industrialisation is one of the five pillars on which the growth and development strategy is based. It is supposed to assist in creating employment opportunities and economic growth.

Revitalising the manufacturing industry was cited in the budget address as a strategy to create a climate for investment in the metro. Manufacturing has displayed a trend of falling contribution to employment since 1996, but remains central to the employment goals of the metro according to finance MMC Moses Makwakwa.

The city’s proposed commitment to re-industrialisation bears significance to businesses in the industrial area of Alrode, which have been experiencing problems in many different areas under municipal governance.

Clr Michael Basch has blogged previously about the decline of investment in the area, saying: “The metro has to urgently establish a task team with the view of resolving all the challenges faced by Alrode. If Alrode fails, Alberton fails and Ekurhuleni fails.”

Read Inside Report: Industrial Nightmare here

Clr Neil Diamond stated during the power crisis: “I am not sure how much more business and industry can endure, before we start seeing economic casualties and major job losses. Something has to be done about this business crisis.”

Read Bridge the Gap: Business in Crisis here

Read about the Alrode power protests here

When asked by the RECORD whether the metro had specific plans to revitalise the Alrode area, executive mayor Mondli Gungubele stated that the revitalisation of manufacturing is a key component of the re-industrialisation pillar of the GDS.

Clustering was mentioned as an intervention strategy to create efficiency. Additionally, the mayor said that the Metro is involved in a number of programmes to promote investment in the area.

Read more Alrode coverage here:

Businesses trickling out of Alrode

Metro apologises for power crisis

EMM presents Alrode energy solutions

Without water in Alrode

Pothole problem grows in Alrode

Polyroads forced to fix Alrode potholes

Alrode South is falling apart

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