
What’s on in Alberton

Please inform us about your events by no later than 10:00 on Fridays: cvdwalt@caxton.co.za

*Support Paws in Motion on the corner of Du Plessis and Second Avenue on Saturdays when they sell boerewors rolls at R25 each for their pet rescue fund – every Saturday between 10:00 and 13:00. Funds raised go towards sick and injured strays that find their way into our care.

*May Day Hike: The annual Cross-Koppie Hike at Melville Koppies on Friday May 1 starts at 08:30 from the parking lot at Marks Park in Judith Road, Emmarentia. A reasonable level of fitness is needed for this three-hour hike as there are some steep sections. No children under six years old or dogs please. Donation is R50 per adult and R20 per child for maintenance of the Koppies. Check www.mk.org.za for details or phone 011 482 4797.

*Glam Guru Roadshow with Hannon Bothma brought to you by Johnny’s Catering as a fundraising event on May 9 at 08:15 for 09:00. Cost is R130 per person and the venue is Alberton Retirement Village, 45 Kritzinger Road. Contact Willemien 011 907 1628 082 688 1910. No children will be allowed at the presentation. Only ladies 21 years of age and older may attend the presentation.

*Moedersdagmark: NG gemeente Alberton-Oos nooi almal uit na hul jaarlikse Moedersdag mark op 9 Mei op die kerkterrein, hoek van Jan Coetzeestraat en Berghweg, Florentia Alberton van 08:30 tot 13:00. Die uitstallers, waaronder spesiale skole, het allerlei oulike geskenke. Onthou, jy kan Saterdagoggend jou gesin kom trakteer op ’n uitmuntende, varsgemaakte ontbyt en later kan jy ’n soetigheidjie by die teetuin geniet. Skakel of SMS 083 384 3248 of e-pos ngalboos@mweb.co.za vir meer inligting.

*Winterfees: Helpende Hand Gauteng-Suid hou groot Winterfees op Saterdag 16 Mei, by die klipkerk in Heidelberg, Hendrik Verwoerd Rylaan. Behalwe heerlike eetgoed sal daar slegs tuisgemaakte, unieke, interessante, en goeie gehalte produkte by die stalletjies te koop wees. Stalletjies is beskikbaar teen R250 en uitstallers moet eie tafels, stoele en gazebo voorsien. Vir meer inligting bel Judie 083 454 7326.

*Smullekker pannekoek te koop: Dit is weer tyd vir Alberton Aftree-Oord om fondse in te samel en daar is nie ‘n beter manier as om smullekker pannekoeke, soos net hulle dit kan opdis, te verkoop nie. Skryf sommer nou al die volgende datums in jou dagboek neer en maak seker dat jou bestelling voor 09:00 op die spesifieke Maandag vir jou pannekoeke geplaas is. Die datum om te onthou is 18 Mei. Bestellings kan ook afgelewer word. Plaas jou bestellings by 011 907 8641. Moet ook nie vergeet dat die oord op Saterdag 6 Junie weer hul tweejaarlikse kermis aanbied nie. Die “A-Team” sal weer hard werk om besoekers nie teleur te stel nie. ‘n Aantal tafels vir uitstallers van buite is beskikbaar. Bespreek by Cathy Pieters (kantoor) 011 907 8641.

*Golf day hosted by Alberton High on Friday, May 22 at Glenvista Country Club. Entry per four-ball is R2 000 (R500 per person) which includes a halfway voucher to the value of R50, dinner and the prize-giving. They are also looking for sponsors for holes R1 000, nearest to the pin R1 000, longest drive R1 000, prizes (two of the same prize would be appreciated). Contact Mrs Hinkley at the school on 011 907 9620 or email shandene@alberton.gp.school.za to book your four-balls and sponsorships.

*Smart Step-Family is a Christian-based course that teaches the keys to growing healthy relationships in step-families. It provides practical, realistic solutions to issues that step-families face. This course will help married, soon-to-be married and dating couples with children from a previous relationship. It is a DVD presentation by Ron L. Deal, who is a renowned expert in this field.You are invited to join the course hosted at the Alberton Methodist Church, 17 Heidelberg Road, New Market Estates, every Wednesday until May 27 between 19:00 and 21:00. Cost is R250 per couple, which covers all course material and refreshments. Contact the Alberton Methodist Church at 011 907 2807 for more details.

*Die Alberton Aftree-Oord, Kritzingerweg 45, Florentia se komende kermis vind plaas op Saterdag 6 Junie vanaf 09:00. Dieselfde gebak gaan aangebied soos by Pannekoekden gemeld, nl. pannekoeke, vetkoeke, kerrie en rys, jaffels, prego-rolle, boereworsrolle, hoenderrolle, tuisnywerheidtafel en koektafel, heerlike poedings, ribrolle, koeldranke, tombola en spookasem. Hulle vra die publiek se vriendelike ondersteuning aangesien dit ‘n fondsinsamelingsprojek is. Kom kuier en eet saam – tafels en stoele sal beskikbaar wees vir gemak van besoekers om saam te kuier. Tafels vir uitstallers van buite is beskikbaar teen ‘n nominale fooi. ‘n Kontantkroeg is ook beskikbaar. Vir verdere navrae skakel die kantoor. Kantoorure is 09:00 – 13:00 (Cathy/Renie) 011 907 8641.

*Alberton Council for the Aged: Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Alberton Council for the Aged will take place on Wednesday, 10 June 2015 at 17:30 in the Community Hall at the Alberton Retirement Village, 45 Kritzinger Road, Florentia. The budget of the Council is available for your perusal at the Office of the Alberton Retirement Village.

*Snuffelmark (voorheen die Dorpsmark) wat elke maand by die Redwing Kwekery, Tweedelaan, Florentia, aangebied word sal weer in Junie plaasvind. Hulle benodig nog stalletjies. Enigeen wat belangstel, bel Elsabe by 071 484 5021.

*Lenz High School 41st anniversary reunion: Calling the class of 1974 to join in the anniversary reunion scheduled for August 8 at Lenz High School Hall in Lenasia. Contact Mukesh Ramjee 084 580 0522 or email: muks.ramjee@gmail.com or Javie Ravjee 084 205 5795 or email: jmravjee@gmail.com

*Vroue van die Woord gebedsgroep vergader weekliks om te bid vir hul huwelike, mans, kinders en land. Dames kom op Donderdagoggende van 09:00 tot 10:00 by Orgideestraat 22, Brackenhurst bymekaar. Vir meer inligting bel Magda Deysel 084 406 9986.

*Manne van die Woord bid saam op Woensdagoggende tussen 06:00 en 07:00 by die admin gebou van Alberton Steel and Pipe 66, Sesdelaan, Alberton-Noord. Vir meer besonderhede bel pastoor Mark 071 207 3249.

*Die Afrikaanse Toastmasters kom elke tweede en vierde Donderdag van die maand om 19:00 by die NG kerk, hoek van Jan Meyer- en Bassonstraat, South Crest bymekaar. Vir meer inligting bel Adri Rothmann 072 686 3549.

*Would you like to play contract bridge in a congenial environment? Mondeor Bridge Club meets every Thursday evening at 19:15 in the community hall of the Glenzicht Retirement Village, corner East and Victoria streets, Linmeyer. While some experience is useful, you do not have to be an Omar Sharif. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to phone Anne du Plessis 011 682 2368 or 083 252 1882 or Wim van Gils 011 907 5094 or 082 952 7459.

*Step-parent support group first and third Saturday of every month from 09:00 to 11:00 at St Andrews Presbyterian Church, 4 FH Odendaal Street, Germiston. Contact Alice Swanepoel 082 541 1667.

*Do you want to become a Freemason? One of the world’s oldest societies of men. It’s great fun, it’s great enjoyment, it’s great satisfaction. Freemasonry is not a religion or secret society. It is a society of good men and true, with high ethical standards and morals. Friendship and trust of the highest standard is the key. Find out more. Contact teleand@worldonline.co.za for more information.


*Langarm dance every Friday at Dinwiddie Sports Club from 08:00 till late. Entrance fee: R40 per person. No short pants, tekkies, T-shirts or caps will be allowed. For more information call 011 824 4670 (office hours) or Sandra (after hours) 072 180 0948.

*Panorama flea market: Come and take a look at the new stores opening up over the next few weeks. Let alone the entertainment and the relaxing trip out. The market is situated just off Kliprivier Drive, Mulbarton, and is the busiest flea market in the South with almost 400 stalls and live entertainment. Open Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

*Choir members urgently wanted. Have you considered joining a choir? If you enjoy singing why not come and join our choir? We practice on a Monday night in Brackendowns and are practicing for a new presentation called “Let His Praise Be Heard”. It is really beautiful, so why not come and give it a try? I’m sure you will thoroughly enjoy it! Please call Richard 082 344 6400, or drop him an email: scholes@websurf.co.za

*Dealing with the death of a child? Circle of Compassion is a support group for families dealing with the death of a child. This is a very difficult, long and lonely process for families to deal with. You can begin to heal again. Contact Madeleine 076 318 4244. Everyone is welcome.

*Fabric painting with a difference. Find a therapeutic hobby and socialise. For more information contact 011 433 1367.

*Tough Love Alberton Support Group is a support group for families being torn apart by unacceptable behaviour, such as drugs, alcohol, substance, verbal or physical abuse. Tuesdays 19:00 to 21:00. Phone John on 072 341 5455 and Debbie on 082 330 1378.

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