
Keep the pool open

After the article published in last week's RECORD, we share some of the comments received from our readers.

ALBERTON –  Residents opinions:

*Please don’t close the swimming pools over weekends, just ban alcohol, they are not allowed to drink in public areas, don’t make all the people suffer just because one or two break the rules, the law enforcement must rather fine those who break the law and leave the people alone who don’tt break it.


*I agree it is a shame that it seems like from government to local management of municipal affairs can not take charge. What is next? If you look at things that way, people are not allowed to be on the streets past a certain time as havoc takes place at night because of greed and liquor, do we have such laws in place? No they use SAPS in those matters, why should it be any different at the local pool?


*Not everyone has the luxury of a pool at home and for years we relied on the public pool to provide entertainment and a nice way to relax over the weekend. This is totally unacceptable. Those guilty of drinking in public should be brought to book. Why do we have to suffer?


*This was a problem for myself and my daughter last year as well! We live in a flat and would love to make use of the public pool over weekends, but unfortunately it was closed! I am off on a Monday and would love to spend time with my child at the pool, but it is even closed on a Monday, so therefore it is only open four days of the week! I work the rest of the week, so we never get to make use of our stunning public pool! Maybe they should advertise for volunteer life guards for the weekends…. Our children need this facility! Please …. please help get our pool back!

Kerry du Toit

*In die eerste plek moet die getal mense wat wil inkom beheer word. In die verlede was daar ‘n metode om net ‘n sekere aantal mense by Alberton swembad toe te laat juis om risiko te vermy. Dit is duidelik dat die wil en krag om kontrole toe te pas nie meer in plek is nie.

Hierdie is nommer een ‘n bestuursprobleem, want dit impliseer dat as die probleem oorspoel na ander swembaddens, gaan hulle dan ook naweke gesluit word! Soos tereg opgemerk word wat van die Desember vakansie, maar naweke is tog eintlik die tyd van gebruik !

Die vraag is hoeveel ernstige moeite is al met ‘n ondersoek gedoen, en wie is betrek om werklik voorstelle te kry vir ‘n haalbare oplosing alvorens die maklikste uitweg gekies is om die swembad te sluit?

Indien die swembad personeel dalk bang is vir intimidasie deur die publiek, dan moet die Swembadbestuur in gesprek tree met die Metro Polisie om sigbare polisiering te doen. Ek verseker hulle dat as twee polisiebeamptes periodiek op die terrein rondbeweeg en persone begin aanspreek wat hulle wangedra, sal daar beslis ‘n groot verbetering wees, veral as dit die eerste paar persone daar verwyder word weens swak gedrag. Die vraag is natuurlik ook hoe dissipline al agtergelaat is deur die Swembadopsigter om toe laat dat die situasie te laat eskaleer tot die punt om die swembad naweke te sluit wat as die maklikste uitweg beskou word.

Dit is nie ‘n onoorkomlike probleem nie en ek stem heelhartig saam dat simptome aangespreek word pleks om die siekte aan te spreek by wyse van die toepassing van verordeninge en wette. Wat is die doel om dit te he maar dit word nie toegepas nie!


*After reading your article in yesterday paper, I would like to comment. Firstly why should my family and I have to suffer due to others lack of good behaviour and abiding by rules.

I understand and respect the reason for closing the pool over the weekend, but surely there is something else that can be done. I have a few ideas that could work and just maybe if the authorities try them and see if they work then the problem could be solved.

1. Increase the entrance fee.

2. Have security guards present at all times (if patrons do not behave they are removed and not allowed back in).

3. Search all bags taken into premises

4. No alcohol allowed ( if people have alcohol in their bags, confiscate it there and then) no use telling them to put it in cars, because then they will go in and out to the car to drink.

5. Only plastic bottle and containers permitted.

6. Children under the age of 12 to be accompanied by an adult.

7. If people do not abide by rules they get kicked out.

There are other premises that have very strict rules about their facilities and it works. Can the municipality not get this sorted correctly and quickly as the holiday season is approaching and I really don’t want to drive far to take them for a swim..

If people can’t behave in an orderly manner kick them out and ban them from coming back, why should the rest of the us have to suffer, and if managed correctly it could be an awesome place in Alberton for families to spend time.


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