
BREAKING NEWS: Massive accident on N12

An accident on the N12 has left three dead, nine critical, and 47 people injured.

Three motorists are reported dead following a massive pile-up on the N12 in Alberton this morning. Nine motorists are in a critical condition and 47 are injured. According to ER24 spokesperson Russel Meiring,  “a petrol tanker lost control heading down the N12 near Voortrekker Road in Alberton.”

According to Netcare 911, emergency services have dispatched a helicopter to airlift critical patients. Netcare 911 spokesperson Santi Steinmann reported the following: “We urge all motorists to please be patient and avoid the area if possible. We also appeal that motorists steer clear from the emergency lane to ensure emergency vehicles can make their way to the accident scene” she said.

Motorists on the N12 are advised to avoid the accident by using the Camaro or Alberton off-ramps. Traffic is expected to be heavily congested as emergency services clean up the accident scene for the next few hours.

More details to follow. See pictures below.

See the following articles for more information:

Bodies scattered on N12 after truck crash
VIDEO: Footage from N12 crash scene

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  1. I drove past there this morning.Never saw such a horrific accident before,bodies of innocent victims….. God help those who survived…..

  2. My simpatie gaan uit vir die oorledenes se familie. So jammer om te gehoor het van die vreeslike ongeluk. Baie sterkte ook vir almal wat betrokke hierin was. Baie sterkte en voorspoed.

  3. It would be nice if they got the info correct…. Yes, it was a truck, but wasn’t a petrol tanker.

  4. Benusi Cargo Carriers
    018 294 5881

  5. I just hope that this is not going to be just anther “EISH” I am sorry statistic, the same way criminals who kill get let off.
    Our policing on the roads has no backbone to actually enforce any laws, on cars, TAXIS and tucks.
    The police rather sit all day in the sun taking snapshots os traffic to get a quick no effort buck.
    I have personally ridden behind trucks with the sand blowing out of the trailer and tarpaulins blowing wildly, black diesel smoke billowing from the exhaust, no rear mudflaps to prevent large stone disembedding from the tyres and flying into your windscreen.
    I have phoned the relevent transport companies and not even a reply to the outcome or even confronting the problem.
    I personally think that this Benusi Cargo Carriers should be liable for murder, and pay for every damage done and then get the company closed.
    But then again we are in 5th world Africa, and anything goes.

  6. Horrible! These Code 14 driver are selfish and arrogant to say the least! I should know, as I was unfortunate enough to have been the abused wife of one of these “things” for seven years. The worst group of people in existence! He will probably have some elaborate excuse, something like “the breaks overheated”, but judging by the photos the real reason for the truck running away with him would most likely be that he failed to switch over to a lower gear as knows that he should before starting on the downhill. He should be charged with three counts of murder and 56 counts of attempted murder, but in this country he will most probably be convicted on culpable homicide like that murderer Oscar Pistorius! Just felt I needed to say this.

  7. I’m very very sorry that horrific accident. To those who passed away I say rest in peace though it’s a very painful and unprepared death. I want to comment on the other guy who end up talking about pistorius on his comment. That’s bad when accident happen obvious the other person is wrong to the other. Don’t say truck drivers are bad drivers coz it’s very rare to see both big trucks collided into one another why coz they respect other trucks. Small cars mostly they take advantage of the speed to cut on front of a big truck . I’m not saying the truck driver was right coz I’m not allowed to judge anyone be4 the court of law. Most of the time small cars overtake where is not supposed to overtake . When they overtake eg the robbot is red they can just stop in front of a loaded truck. Please let us work together small cars and big trucks. A loaded truck takes more time to stop than empty one. If it’s possible in towns to make a lane for heavy trucks just like they does on downhill . To point fingers doesn’t help coz that’s not stoping our beautiful roads to be used. Let’s respect the life of others and maintain the gap allowed by K53 . I’m very saddened about this accident and I want to apologize to the whole country on behalf of the truck drivers. I thank you very much for reading this note from me.

  8. I was in the traffic a mere 100 meters behind when the accident happened. I caught the view of the truck out of the corner of my eye and when I turned around could see the truck coming at a speed definitely more that 100 kph. I could see the traffic and knew what was coming. The truck did not veer but went straight into the back of the still standing traffic, only with impact did it veer to the left and then to the right. The first thing I notice was dust clouds and car parts flying. It was horrific and it is a scene that would never leave me. Those people did not know what was coming. About a minute to 2 minutes later there was a car on fire and you could see smoke. This is what happened on Tuesday. I have a replay of this every moment of the day.

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