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Bridge the Gap: Water everywhere but not a drop to drink

Last week Saturday saw one of the first rainstorms of the new season. It felt like there was water everywhere.

Ekurhuleni was just recovering from a series of power outages when the water crisis struck. Alberton was largely unaffected by this water problem, but our neighbors in Germiston, Bedfordview and several other communities across Ekurhuleni were waterless.

My phone was inundated with calls from residents and affected communities. My hands were tied, as the challenge in helping these communities was that it was not an Ekurhuleni problem, but a bulk water supply problem from Rand Water.

Engineers from Ekurhuleni and Rand Water worked tirelessly to rectify the situation and restore normal water supply to communities. Communication from Rand Water was disappointing and there was an outcry from the community at large.

The Executive Mayor embarked on a series of special Izimbizo’s to address the community concerns and allay their fears about the water situation.

The Ekurhuleni Communications and Customer Relations teams reacted swiftly to keep the broader community updated on the water problem. The Water and Energy Department deployed resources to provide emergency water and support to affected communities. This lack of water was a wake-up call for us on how dependent we are on this scarce resource.

The water problem can very easily cause unhealthy diseases and be the cause of real health risks. Water affects the health, dignity, sanity, economy and safety of residents.

The leadership in Ekurhuleni has met with senior officials of Rand Water and other stakeholders to ensure sustainable water supply for Ekurhuleni residents.

Ekurhuleni must ensure that this tragedy is never repeated, and the necessary early warning system is in place to avoid future water disruption. Together we can move Ekurhuleni forward to sustainable services for all residents.

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  1. In verband met die water krisis wat ons tans het, kan dit nie dalk die water toevoer wees na al die dele in Alberton en elders wees dat die pype nie voldoende is vir die watertoevoer na die verskillende dele nie. Waar is ons stads ingineurs. Is dit nie hule wat die stadsbeplanning doen nie. Kyk na al die meenthuise wat opgerig word om een erf nie. Ry deur die verskillende dele en kyk na die plekke wat opgaan op een erf waar eers net een huis gestaan het. Ek dink nie hul moet dit toelaat nie. Die toevoer na sulke huise is nie voldoende vir die watertoevoer na sulke eenhede toe nie. Die pype en drukking is dieselfde as 30 jaar gelede. Die drukking in die pype is partykeer so swak dat ek dink dat die grootste rede is. Ek dink die bouers hiervan moet lekker opdok vir die water wat deurgaan soontoe. Of is dit geld wat almal aan dink. Dit sal baie goed wees om te hoor wat ander mense hiervan dink. Sulke eenhede moet elders opgerig word met groter waterpype en nie in bestaande gebiede nie. Dit moet verbied word! Waar is ons stadsbeplanners, of het ons nie meer sulke mense nie!

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