
The roads in Cape Town are excellent

A resident of Alberton recently went on holiday in Cape Town. On their return back home they compare Alberton and Cape Town with each other.

We just had a lovely holiday in Cape Town, and what impressed me the most was the good state of their roads and directional signage.

All road markings were easily seen and well painted. The pavements were clean together with the islands in the middle of the road. No grass, sand and rubbish next to the pavements.

On arriving home in Alberton one is soon brought down to earth to the terrible state of our roads.

One cannot even see the concrete of where the pavement starts in some of the roads.

For example, take a drive down Overbury Road from Swartkoppies, what a mess. The road markings in Rae Frankel Street are virtually non-existent, especially at the intersection of Hennie Alberts and Rae Frankel.

Then turn into Swartkoppies from Overbury; the crash barrier has been damaged for more than a year. Drive down Swartkoppies to the Lemon Tree Shopping Centre and see the mess next to the island (middle of road) on both sides. It looks pathetic, to say the least.

The entrance to the Fire Station is a disgrace for such a high-profile institution.

I am sure there are many rate payers out there who would agree with the above. If only we could all relocate to Cape Town, where pride and the will to work is of importance. Cape Town is a well-managed city.



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